11 Polite Ways to Say “Please Sign and Return”

“Please sign and return” is a good way to get someone to send you a signed back agreement. It’s a polite way to order them to sign something before returning it. This article will explore some alternatives you can use in your emails.

Polite ways to say “please sign and return” are “please address this,” “please get this signed,” and “please sign when you get a chance.” All of these phrases use “please” to show that you’re trying to remain polite and civil, no matter how long you’ve been waiting for the signature.

Polite Ways to Say Please Sign and Return

1. Please Address This

“Please address this” is a simple yet effective way to ensure someone does what you ask of them. You may want to include specific instructions if someone has a habit of failing to understand your assignment or order.

“Please address this” simply shows that the recipient has to do something. It doesn’t specifically tell them what they need to do.

2. Please Get This Signed

“Please get this signed” is a great phrase to use. It shows that you want someone to sign a document without being too pushy. It’s a great one to remain polite because it ensures you don’t sound too bossy.

3. Please Sign When You Get a Chance

“Please sign when you get a chance” is another great alternative that allows someone to sign when they have time rather than right away. It puts less pressure on someone. It also appreciates that they might be fairly busy when they received the email.

4. Please Return This to Me Signed

“Please return this to me signed” is a great alternative you can use. It shows that you want someone to complete the task by signing the document you sent across.

5. Could You Please Sign This for Me?

“Could you please sign this for me?” is a great synonym in most cases. It’s one of the most polite ones you can use because it starts with “could you please.” This works well when you want to remain friendly and polite over email.

6. Do You Mind Sending This Back Once Signed?

“Do you mind sending this back once signed?” is a great alternative. It shows that you would like the document, but you expect it to be signed before you receive it. The instructions couldn’t be clearer when you use a question like this.

7. I Need This Signed ASAP

“I need this signed ASAP” is a bit more demanding. It’s not quite as polite as the others, but it shows there’s a bit of urgency about the thing someone needs to sign. Most people will respond positively to a phrase like this.

8. I Would Like This Signed and Returned

“I would like this signed and returned” is a polite way to show someone that they need their signature on the document. It works well if you want to remain friendly and polite by saying, “I would like.”

9. Please Action This as Quickly as Possible

“Please action this as quickly as possible” uses “please” as the polite command. It shows that you would like someone to get on top of the document and complete it for you.

10. I Would Like This Back

“I would like this back” is a great way to remain approachable and friendly. “I would like” is used again to show that you’d like to receive the document once it has been signed.

11. Please Sign It Before Returning It

Please sign it before returning it” is a simple way to order someone to do what you’re asking for. It gives them direct instructions by saying “sign it” and “return it.” If they still get it wrong, it proves they do not read your emails.

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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