This article was co-authored by Daniela Castro. Daniela Castro is a Registered Nurse based in Denver, Colorado. She works at Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center in Denver as a Nurse in the Emergency Department. She specializes in Emergency Care, and also has experience with Senior Living Care. Prior to nursing at St. Luke’s, she worked as a Patient Caregiver at Lincoln Meadows Senior Living. She received her nursing degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver. She received a BA in International Business & Marketing from Oklahoma State University.
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Sponge baths, or bed baths, are used to bathe people who are bedridden or unable to bathe on their own due to health reasons. Giving a bed bath involves washing and rinsing the entire body one section at a time while the patient remains in bed. It is important to gather all the supplies needed before you begin so you do not have to leave the patient unattended. A good bed bath will leave the person feeling clean and comfortable.