How to Obtain a Medical Certificate for Activities in Italy

A medical certificate is a document issued by a healthcare provider verifying that an individual is physically fit to participate in a certain activity or event. In Italy, this can often include activities like running marathons, cycling races, and other athletic competitions.

Who needs it?

Any individual planning to participate in an activity that requires proof of physical fitness or health status. This might include athletes, office workers required to produce it by the employers, or those planning to join fitness programs.


  1. Book an appointment with a healthcare provider. This could be a general practitioner or a sports medicine specialist.
  2. Attend the medical examination. This might include different tests like blood tests, heart-rate tests, and stress tests.
  3. Once the tests are completed and the doctor deems fit, request them to issue a medical certificate certifying your capacity to carry out the intended activity.
  4. The doctor will then prepare and provide the medical certificate.

Required Documents

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Keep in mind that the Medical Certificate must be specific to the activity you are about to undertake. For example, a certificate for cycling might not be valid for a marathon. Always consult with the organization requiring the certificate to ensure you obtain the proper certification.

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