CalWORKs Verification Chart

This chart only provides a verification summary and is not intended to be all inclusive. Before eligibility can be cleared, the EW must verify ALL of the client's statements on the “Application for CalFresh, Cash Aid and/or Medi-Cal/Health Care Programs” (SAWS 2 Plus) as well as any pertinent information received during the interactive interview.

Verification provided should be entered in the appropriate CalSAWS page(s). When there are changes and documentation is required for the explanation, use the Journal page in CalSAWS.

Prior to payment

For citizenship primary documentation:

For "qualified alien" status:

For each adult applicant:

Prior to payment

At Annual Redetermination.

When a child age 6-17 is added to an existing AU. Any time when EW determines that it is necessary to verify school attendance.