
Full-Day Absences: Please log in to your ParentVUE and click the Report Absences icon. These notices go directly to the Attendance Office. If you are not able to use this feature, you can email lacuevaattendance@aps. edu.

Late Arrival or Early Release: Please email Copy and paste the following and provide the needed information:

Attendance Quick Tips

Question: How do I check my student out of school early?

Answer: You can email us at any time after 7:00 am the day of your student’s early release. Please include your student's name, student ID number, and grade. Kindly allow us at least 1-hour advance notification to locate your student at the time requested; this helps to avoid delays in your student’s early release. Your student will sign out in the Attendance Office and be given a pass to leave campus. Because of these time constraints, we are not able to check students out after 3:15 pm. Only a parent or guardian is authorized to check a student out of school. False calls from students will result in disciplinary action.

Question: What happens if I come in to pick up my student?

Answer: We will ask you for your ID and the student’s name. Once we identify your student’s location, we will run a pass to the class assigned. Your student must sign out in the Attendance Office and be given a pass to leave campus.

Question: What is the process when a student becomes ill during school hours?

Answer: If your student becomes ill during class, they must request a pass to go to the nurse’s office. The nurse or health assistant will contact you for instructions. If your student is to leave campus on their own they will be issued a pass authorizing them to check out of school. Your student will sign out in the Attendance Office and be given a pass to leave campus. If you come in to pick up your student from the nurse’s office, you must present your ID, sign your student out, and you will be given an office campus pass. You will then be directed to pick your student up from the nurse’s office.

Question: What do I do if my student will be absent from school?

Answer: Please do not call the school when your student will be absent due to illness or an appointment.

  1. If your student is absent due to an appointment, they must bring in a signed note from the doctor/dentist. Have your student bring this note to the Attendance Office upon return.
  2. Please email the request for early release or late arrival to and include the following information:
  3. For full-day absences, please log in to your ParentVue, click "report absence" by student's name, and fill out the form.

Attendance excusals and notes are entered manually. Please allow us 3-5 days to update your student's attendance records.

Excused absences are only for illnesses, appointments, family emergencies, and school-related functions. Please refer to the student handbook for an explanation of general attendance information including consequences for an unexcused absence.

If a student is absent for any reason it is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian to notify the school within 3 school days. Failure to report an absence will result in an unexcused absence. We will NOT accept a phone call to excuse an absence.

Question: What do I do if my student was marked absent and he was at school?

Answer: Login to your StudentVUE or ParentVUE account. Click on the attendance tab and then the absence icon. This will tell you which teacher marked the student absent or tardy. Students must address all absence errors with the teacher first. This can be done in person or by email from their StudentVUE account. Attendance errors will not be corrected by the Attendance Office except by teacher request. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor their attendance. It is recommended that students check their StudentVUE account on a regular basis. Attention to errors should be addressed in a timely manner.

Don’t have a ParentVUE or StudentVUE account? Create your StudentVUE account.

Question: What do I do if my student is going to a college visit?

Answer: Please turn in an Advance Notification of Absence Request Form. This form must be signed by your student’s teachers and administrator at least 3 days before the scheduled absence. Only Juniors in their 2 nd semester and Seniors can have college visit absences excused. A total of 5 absences can be excused upon review of the submitted form.


All students must sign out before leaving campus. Not following this procedure could result in truancy. Please refer to the La Cueva Student Handbook for further information.