Today, Environment Minister Richard Brabec signed the Paris Agreement on Climate change on behalf of the Czech Republic at the UN headquarters in New York. The text of this historic agreement on climate protection was agreed by representatives of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change during their international conference which took place at the end of last year in Paris.
“The agreement of last December is in many ways a historical milestone, and I think that European countries, including the Czech Republic, can be satisfied with its wording. It has been agreed that the world, or the states under the United Nations Framework Convention, are ready to do everything to keep the maximum increase of the average global temperature below two degrees Celsius, and even approximate the value of 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial values. All states, both developed and developing, will have to fulfil commitments of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in order to contribute to this objective," Minister Richard Brabec interprets the consensus reached by the parties to the UN Framework Convention in Paris last year.
As soon as the text of this new international agreement takes effect, it will be legally binding for the states that have signed it. "The Agreement contains an obligation for all parties, including the world's largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions, such as China, the USA or India, to establish commitments on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strive to meet them," Minister Richard Brabec continues.
The signature of the Agreement in New York started its ratification process. In order to be valid worldwide, it must be signed by at least 55 states under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, responsible for at least 55% of the total global emissions of greenhouse gases. "The Agreement should take effect in 2020. In the Czech Republic, it must be approved by the Parliament and signed by the President to complete the ratification," Minister Brabec added.
The European Union has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by at least 40% compared to 1990. The Ministry of the Environment is now preparing the Climate Protection Policy of the Czech Republic, the objectives of which have been set with regard to the EU objectives for 2030. The Policy defines the fundamental measures with the greatest potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in each sector of the economy, i.e. energy, final energy consumption, industry, transport, agriculture and forestry, and waste. Emphasis should continue to be put on the development of renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, gradual electrification of transport and on heating, and a number of other measures. Achievement of the long-term objective up to 2050 should be also significantly enhanced by the forthcoming Act on reducing the dependence on fossil fuels, which will be closely linked to the Climate Protection Policy. Both documents will contribute to a gradual transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy by 2050.
The signing of the Paris Agreement in New York was preceded by a meeting of representatives of the UN countries on implementing the so-called Sustainable Development Goals [1] which make up a programme for sustainable development in the period 2015-2030.
[1] the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were approved in September 2015 at the UN Summit in New York. They include 17 goals and 169 targets, containing the main principles which should be applied by all countries of the world in their national policies by 2030.
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